Friday, August 12, 2011

Why the government is failing?

We must understand democracy if we wish to answer this question. Democracy is the ultimate form of government so far invented.

Let us compare democracy with slavery:
The slave master has to feed his slaves properly or they cannot work well. Master will have to import new slaves, this is expensive. As you can imagine the sensible master will ensure his slaves are healthy to do the job. If they die he also has to bury them, more expense because he will have to take two other slaves off their regular job to bury him.

Democracy have none of these limitations. If the worker dies of malnutrition or whatever, the boss simply hires a new worker. No need to worry about health care burial or anything. In this system the worker is more expendable.

One may wonder how this system is maintained. It is also the easiest to maintain.

A king will eventually be overthrown if he mistreat his subjects and this goes for all dictatorships.

Democracy is unique, it works on a divide and conquer principle. You need at least two parties to implement this system. They will divide the people in two major factions usually religion and other trivialities like homosexuality, abortion........etc.

The important thing for this to survive is that the leaders of these two parties know that they are on the same side against the people. Together they play good cop and bad cop against the people.

Occasionally democracy will fail if greed overcome the leaders like with the present republican tea party.

President Obama believes that he can help the working class while the republican tea party believe they can bring back slavery (they are not smart enough to know that what they have now is better for them than slavery because they are blinded by greed).

The present republican tea party if it has it's way it would bring about poverty and starvation on the people. This would end in a bloody revolution. You may have read about the civil war just imagine it again with all the modern military technology of today.

Democracy can only work when there is no serious differences between the parties so that they can work together and keep the people conquered.

If the parties loose track and decide to really oppose each other instead of maintaining the farce the country will fall much more quickly

Unusemenucum 8/12/11